Burner Balm, developed by California-based Pacific Shore Holdings, claims to boost energy, burn fat, control appetite and promote weight loss.
The UK introduction has caused quite a stir overseas, with eating disorder charity Beat stating that the product could put further pressure on young girls over their body shape.
“We feel this is yet another marketing ploy playing on women's insecurities and issues around their size and weight,” says Mary Georg, a Beat spokesperson.
The National Obesity Forum called the product a ‘gimmick’, citing that the balm's two active ingredients were unlikely to have any real effect.
Interestingly, the balm was created by a panel of medical experts with ingredients derived from appetite suppressants which themselves are marketed to help curb snacking between meals.
“We not encouraging people to avoid eating,” said Joey Valvo, stated Pacific Shore Holdings vice president. “We are providing a unique product that offers a solution for dieters...Rather than rely on high calorie choices for that afternoon energy boost or snack before dinner, consumers now have a zero calorie alternative.”
Seems too good to be true, right? What do you think?
A latest innovation is a lip balm which helps in burning fat. It helps in controlling food cravings and also bolstering energy levels. Its contents have appetite suppressing and metabolism boosting properties that are simply a lick away. The doctor has proclaimed that those having used his product have cited weight loss ranging from 6lbs to 10lbs. There are some people who have not benefited from it. For more details on it, refer Lip balm